Choose a weapon and destroy it with your signature

The Czech Republic is a significant EU exporter of military equipment. We are against the irresponsible exportation of weapons to countries with risk of human rights violations. By signing this petition you can express your disagreement with these exports.

CZK 668 000 000

The total volume of military equipment and weapons directed from the Czech Republic to Egypt in 2013.

1 400

Number of victims during the 2013-2014 protests in Egypt where the Czech republic exports military equipment.


The number of the countries with repressive regimes that violate human rights to which the Czech Republic exported military material.

CZK 3 660 000 000

The annual amount of money acquired from exports to problematic countries.


Nearly half of military material exported in 2013 was sold to customers in countries with repressive regimes.

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Whole text of the call

The number of destroyed weapons

4 4 5 2


Amnesty International (AI) has been warning the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to give attention to serious discrepancies between the declared support of democracy and human rights on the one hand, and the promotion of military equipment exports to risk countries on the other.

AI argues that in countries where there is a real risk of misuse of weapons for the purpose of suppressing human rights, weapon exports should not be permitted. This should apply not only with regard to the applicable criteria for the granting of licenses for weapon exports, but also with regard to the policy of promoting democracy in the transformation and development cooperation, which prioritizes the protection of human rights, local development and democratic values.


In 2015 the Czech Republic exported military equipment to 34 countries that severely violate human rights while lacking control standards for movement of weapons. These are often repressive regimes where the state does not have democratic control of the armed forces, lacks an independent judiciary system as well as police forces and elites who are loyal to their citizens. In total, these exports of 7,37 billion CZK represent 49,3% of total exports from the Czech Republic.

The supporting wall of the Letná park is decorated with paintings of the famous Prague towers: the Old Town tower, the Žižkov TV Tower, the Powder Tower, the Šítkov water-tower and the towers of the Týn church. These dominants of a city, often called „the city of a hundred towers“, is easily recognised not only by people living in Prague, but also visitors. The black and white depictions have a disturbing feel. Instead of touristic motives there are scenes from the city ruined by war.

The exhibition of Ota Hudec called „Prague the day after bombing“ is bringing attention to the mass export of military equipment from the Czech Republic to unstable and nondemocratic regimes. The exhibition was organised in collaboration with Amnesty International CZ, who has been warning about the uncontrolled export of military equipment.