Your game has ended. Our campaign continues. We are calling for treat which ensures that our government stops transfers of military equipment where it is likely those arms will be used for serious human rights.
I am interested in the ATT campaign of Amnesy International - producer of this Minesweeper version.
Thousands of mines and uncontrolled weapons imports from Czech Republic causes Yemen to be an unstable explosive mixture. Therefore will mark the mines by Czech flag in this level.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the conutries with biggest number of antipersonnel mines. Maps describing the dangerous regions are often missing. It is the reason why you will find here question marks instead of hint numbers in some of the revealed cells.
Czech Republic had exported toxic chemicals and armoured vehicles of value 4.5 milion EUR between the years 2006 and 2007.
The number of mines to sweep increases as you play longer.
There are hundreds of mined areas in the Congo and the majority of mines come from the so-called African World War, which took place here from 1998 to 2003. Over four million people died during the conflict, mostly civilians.
Zajímá Vás kampaň za omezení mezinárodního obchodu se zbraněmi, kterou vede Amnesty International - tvůrce této hry?
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