A new criminal charge against Claudia Medina


Zastavte mučení   Mexiko publikován 29.5.2014

The PGR has filed a new criminal charge against Claudia Medina: driving a stolen car to commit crimes. The PGR has not provided any new evidence to substantiate this charge which relates to the unfounded claim by marines that she was arrested in a stolen car rather than at home. The sole evidence against Claudia Medina is the marines’ version on the circumstances in which she was arrested, something that Claudia has disputed from the outset and supported by testimony of relatives and neighbours. There are now two outstanding charges against her: possession of a fire arm and driving a stolen car in order to commit crimes. Claudia Medina’s lawyers have challenged both charges and they hope they will be dropped as all other charges were dropped in August 2012. The judge could make a decision soon. Amnesty International is now calling on the PGR to review the charges against Claudia Medina.

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