Koshenko might be released into home treatment


Today, Checkhov town court in Moscow region supported a request by the psychiatric hospital where Mikhail Kosenko is being treated and ruled that Mikhail no longer needs to be treated in a hospital but could be discharged and continued his treatment at home. The prosecutor's office tried to contest the judgement; the requests, however, were rejected. The prosecutor's office can still appeal against this court decision within 10 days. If not, than the decision comes into force and within month from that Mikhail will be released. Russian website Grani.ru quoted Ksenia Kosenko who said that she "did not believe until the last moment that the decision will be positive." She also posted a thanking message on her Facebook to all the supportem, adding that she hopes that the next time, Michail will be able to thank them by himself.

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Napsala článek, vyhrožují jí smrtí, podpořte novinářku svým podpisem

V dubnu 2020 zveřejnil Ramzan Kadyrov, prezident Čečenské republiky na Instagramu video, ve kterém vyhrožuje smrtí ruské novinářce Jeleně Milašinové.


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