Two years spent behind bars for expressing opinion


Zastavte mučení publikován 16.6.2014

On June 17, 2014 Raif Badawi will have spent two years behind bars for his peaceful online activism. Apart from 10 years in prison, his charge also includes 100 lashes and and 1 million Saudi Riyals (around US$ 266,630) fine. He was also banned from travelling for 10 years and from participating in the media. Raif Badawi is yet to receive the latest sentence in writing to appeal. His lawyer, Waleed Abu al-Khair, is himself in prison, facing charges for his peaceful activism. Raif Badawi had been charged with “apostasy”, a crime that carries the death penalty in Saudi Arabia. He has been detained since 17 June 2012 in a prison in Briman, in Jeddah. Raif himself described the website he created as follows: “Saudi Liberal network is a liberal forum that adopts enlighten thinking free from the religious thinking’s apparatus”. Besides that, he is also a strong supporter of the rights of women. Amnesty International considers Raif Badawi’s imprisonment as unjust and keeps demanding his immediate and unconditional release.

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Egyptský bloger ve vězení za urážku soudnictví

Alaa Abdel Fattah, známý egyptský bloger a politický aktivista, byl v minulosti opakovaně zadržen za veřejné projevy proti tamním diktátorským režimům. Od roku 2015 si odpykává pětiletý trest kvůli údajnému vyvolávání demonstrace v roce 2013 a za příspěvky na Twitteru. Tam se vyjádřil o egyptských soudech jako o neobjektivních institucích. Případ Alaa Abdel Fattaha si "adoptovala" brněnská skupina Amnesty International, která se intenzivně snaží o jeho propuštění.


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