She wasn't free even for a day; Meriam was arrested as well as her family


Trest smrti publikován 25.6.2014

A day after her release, the Sudanese was arrested again by the authorities on an airport in Khartoum. She was detained together with her husband and children. According to the newest reports, the arrest is only temporary and the family is allegedly safe. However, nobody is aware of where the family is located. The information that have not yet been verified are disturbing - the family, including one-year-old Martin and new-born Maya, was taken away directly from the airport by about 40 agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service. They are called "Agents of fear" because they often hide the detainees in places not known and torture them. The arrest does not have to be consulted with the court "in the interest of the national security". Kepp following this case with us, we will inform you soon about the development and possibilities of helping Meriam. If it is possible, they will all depart for the USA in the upcoming days. We will keep monitoring the situation. Amnesty International will further urge the Sudanese authorities to decriminalize apostasy and adultery, and to implement a moratorium on executions as a first step in abolishing death penalty.

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