The torture of Alfreda is now being investigated!


Zastavte mučení publikován 26.6.2014

The torture of Alfreda is now being investigated by the Philippine National Police’s Internal Affairs Service (IAS). The IAS is a disciplinary unit within the police that conducts inspections on police personnel, investigates complaints, gathers evidence and conducts hearings on police officers facing administrative charges. We received information that the IAS’ Acting Inspector General received a letter from Amnesty International – apparently from two of our members—in March, and that it was on this basis that they have decided to conduct an investigation. On 11 and 18 June, after some preliminary investigations done by the IAS, a summary hearing for an administrative case was conducted to investigate four police officers for grave misconduct, irregularities in the performance of service, and delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities in relation to Alfreda’s arrest and detention.

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Egyptský bloger ve vězení za urážku soudnictví

Alaa Abdel Fattah, známý egyptský bloger a politický aktivista, byl v minulosti opakovaně zadržen za veřejné projevy proti tamním diktátorským režimům. Od roku 2015 si odpykává pětiletý trest kvůli údajnému vyvolávání demonstrace v roce 2013 a za příspěvky na Twitteru. Tam se vyjádřil o egyptských soudech jako o neobjektivních institucích. Případ Alaa Abdel Fattaha si "adoptovala" brněnská skupina Amnesty International, která se intenzivně snaží o jeho propuštění.


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