Vánoční loterie a kvíz!
publikován 14.12.2015
This December we are hosting a quiz night and raffle as this year’s fundraiser, and we would love for you to join!
The quiz will be run by our own volunteers, and the money we raise will go into keeping this group running for another year. There will be spot prizes, and an overall prize for the winning team, as well as a stall with information about Amnesty International and petitions for our current actions. We will also be selling tickets to our Christmas Raffle, which could see you be in the running to win one of the great prizes on offer.
WHEN: Tuesday the 14th of December from 19:00.
WHERE: The Globe Bookstore and Cafe, Prague.
COST: Tickets can be purchased for individuals or groups on the night. You’re welcome to reserve a place for your team in advance, or turn up on the night. Individual tickets are available (don't worry, we will find you a team on the night!) and there is a group discount available when you purchase tickets for your whole team (four to six people). Everyone taking part in the quiz will also receive a free raffle ticket.
Single: 100kc
Group: 80kc each for groups of four or more.
If you would like to confirm groups before the night please email amnestyprague@gmail.com with your name, number of people in your team, and a team name! Tickets will be paid for on the night.
In addition to attending our awesome Quiz Night on December 14 at the Globe, we're also selling tickets over the next few weeks for a Holiday Raffle (or as the Czechs call it, a Tombola) with prizes to be awarded at the end of the Quiz.
We already have some great prizes and more will still be added. The proceeds go entirely towards our work to support victims of human rights violations.
To check the awesome prizes and read more, go to FACEBOOK.
Aktuální petice
Její sourozence tajně popravili, ona je už dvanáct let ve vězení. Pomůžete?
Íránka Maryam Akbari Monfaredová je již téměř dvanáct let nespravedlivě vězněna pouze kvůli svému kontaktu s příbuznými v zahraničí, již jsou členy exilové opoziční organizace Lidoví mudžahedínové. Dne 10. března 2021 byla převezena z věznice Evin v Teheránu do věznice v provincii Semnan, vzdálené přes 200 km od její rodiny, což je v rozporu jak s mezinárodním, tak íránským právem. Od června 2021 ji ve vězení nesmí rodina navštěvovat.
Aktuální počet podpisů: 2922 Náš cíl: 3000
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© Przemysław Stefaniak/Amnesty International