Hundreds more protesters arbitrarily arrested


234 further peaceful protesters were arrested on 24 February while eight protestors in the Bolotnaya Square case were being sentenced. Their arrests, coming soon after the end of the Sochi Olympics, are clear evidence of the Russian authorities' continuing violation of freedom of expression and assembly. Some of those arrested have been released, but most face fines of up to RUB 30,000 (around USD800; CZK16,000)

Aktuální petice


Napsala článek, vyhrožují jí smrtí, podpořte novinářku svým podpisem

V dubnu 2020 zveřejnil Ramzan Kadyrov, prezident Čečenské republiky na Instagramu video, ve kterém vyhrožuje smrtí ruské novinářce Jeleně Milašinové.


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