Arrests near Sochi Olympics include Pussy Riot activists


Svoboda slova a vězni svědomí publikován 3.3.2014

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, former prisoners of conscience jailed for their peaceful activism as part of the punk collective Pussy Riot, complain of having been arrested in Sochi for the third time in as many days. Today the authorities claimed this was related to a theft at a hotel where they stayed. The activists believe it is in connection with a music video they were planning to make entitled "Putin will teach you to love your Motherland." The arrest comes just days before 21 February, the second anniversary of Pussy Riot’s performance of a protest song in Moscow's main Orthodox cathedral. The event led to the imprisonment of Tolokonnikova, Alyokhina and bandmate Yekaterina Samutsevich on “hooliganism” charges.

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Uvězněna za podporu rodin politických vězňů. Nenechme to tak!

Vietnamská prodemokratická aktivistka Nguyễn Thúy Hạnh byla v dubnu 2021 zatčena a obviněna z podrývání Vietnamské republiky kvůli fondu na pomoc politickým vězňům a jejich rodinám. V případě odsouzení jí hrozí až dvacet let vězení.


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