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nalezeno 4265 výsledků:

  Případ publikován 6.1.2014

Refugees and Migrants in Bulgaria Face Lamentable Conditions

Bulgarian refugee camps, housing thousands of refugees and migrants, many of whom are fleeing conflicts in Syria, are sorely inadequate. Many refugees do not have access to basic needs, such as food, health care, or hygiene. Some do not have beds to sleep in, or roofs over their heads, as winter sets in. Amnesty International is calling upon the Bulgarian government to remedy the situation.

  Článek publikován 23.12.2013

Obě členky Pussy Riot jsou na svobodě!

  Článek publikován 23.12.2013

Obě členky Pussy Riot jsou na svobodě!

  Článek publikován 23.12.2013

Both Pussy Riot members released from prison

  Článek publikován 19.12.2013

Good news!


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