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  Případ publikován 26.2.2014

Chinese artist remains in house arrest, even after heart attack

Liu Xia, wife of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, has been held under house arrest since 8 October 2010. She suffered a heart attack in January 2014 and, though brought to a hospital for examination, was denied the two week stay in the hospital doctors recommended. She remains under house arrest, and there are serious concerns about her physical and mental health. Amnesty International considers Liu Xia a prisoner of conscience, unjustly confined to her home primarily because of the political actions of her husband. Amnesty International also notes that she has never been formally tried or convicted, thus violating her right to a fair trial and freedom of expression.

  Případ publikován 26.2.2014

Highly-regarded Tibetan monk arrested and detained at an undisclosed location. Support him.

Highly respected Tibetan monk, Karma Tsewang, was arrested in December 2013 while traveling on a business trip. The Chinese authorities arrested him for "endangering state security," a term often used to imprison peaceful critics of the government. Tsewang has not been given access to a lawyer or to see his family since his imprisonment. Amnesty International considers Karma Tsewang a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned merely for exercising his right to freedom of expression and for his activities in support of Tibetan culture and language.

  Článek publikován 24.2.2014

V Ugandě oficiálně začal „hon na homosexuály“

  Článek publikován 24.2.2014

Rusko: odkaz olympijských her pošpinilo zatýkání

Hry skončily – vedle medailí se rozdávaly i rány a zatykače.

  Článek publikován 20.2.2014

Reportáž z Kyjeva - Majdan včera a dnes

  Článek publikován 20.2.2014

22.2. se v Praze koná akce Světlo pro Ukrajinu

  Článek publikován 20.2.2014

Reportáž z Kyjeva - Majdan včera a dnes

Konflikt očima pražské studentky Nadi, která se vrací na prázdniny domů do Kyjeva.


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